Here’s a tale from life that can teach us all a little about the power of a positive attitude.
At the age of 84, my grandmother, having found herself living alone after the loss of my grandfather, decided to have a foreign holiday.
Helping her with her passport application, my uncle (her son) suggested that she should probably apply for a five year passport (they were still available back then) as it is cheaper and she probably wouldn’t need a passport in five years time given that she is eighty four.
She told him to get stuffed and got a ten year passport. When this expired she got another ten year passport which she used many times. This was coming up for renewal when she sadly left us shortly before her 103rd birthday.
Would she have made 102 if she had got a five year passport assuming she would not outlive it? Who can say, but I am certain that her positive outlook and refusal to let age be a barrier to what she can do was a major factor in her longevity and quality of life.
Positive thinking isn’t a new idea, but it is a good one.